Being prepared for disasters starts at home. Everyone can be part of helping to prepare for emergencies. Young children and teens alike can be a part of the process. As a parent, guardian, or other family member, you have an important role to play when it comes to protecting the children in your life and helping them be prepared in case disaster strikes. Don't forget about the pets!
Volunteering, donating, training, and education are all simple ways to prepare your community or organization for a disaster before one strikes. FEMA offers free trainings and education tools to train yourself and others on the best ways to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a disaster or emergency. Find out how simple it is and the many ways you can help your community be prepared.
There is much that a business leader can do to prepare their organization for the most likely hazards. The Ready Business program helps business leaders make a preparedness plan to get ready for a wide range of hazards. Being prepared helps reduce business downtime.
The Androscoggin County RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) is made up of volunteer Amateur Radio Operators from across Androscoggin County. Team members use their radio communication skills, equipment, and licenses to provide auxiliary communications when normal communications are no longer available. If you are a licensed amateur radio operator, (or would like to become one), and are interested in volunteering in RACES, contact the Emergency Coordinator.